100% Satisfaction Guarantee

As a team we operate a thorough cleaning process to ensure that each clean we conduct is carried out to the highest of standards and our cleaners are trained to do this along side customising cleans to each household.

We Are Confident You'll Be Satisfied

Please read our official satisfaction guarantee statement below

All of our cleaners are trained to the high standards which we pride ourselves on, therefore we are confident that every clean we carry out will meet our professional domestic cleaning standards which our cleaners are monitored on on a regular basis. We will send fully equip, highly trained, fully insured cleaning professionals to your home to conduct your clear. If in the unfortunate event that any part of our clean does not meet your expectations, please inform us within 48 hours and we will return and re-clean the specific area again, free of charge.

Cleaners, with you in mind...

  • Satisfaction Guarantee

    100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. We work hard to ensure that you are satisfied with our cleans, but if you aren’t, please let us know straight away and we will come back and re-clean the specific area, free of charge.

  • Eco-Friendly Products

    Made Mint are dedicated to doing everything we can to ensure we are protecting the environment, meaning we carefully select our products and equipment with the environment in mind.

  • We Work Around You

    We understand that life can get busy, which is why our schedules work around yours and we work as efficiently and as discreetly as we can.

  • Fully Insured

    All of our cleaners are fully insured to give you peace of mind.

  • Fully Trained Cleaners

    Our professional cleaners are highly experienced and also undergo regular training to ensure their skills are always up to date with the latest cleaning trends.

  • Competitive Pricing

    We are constantly evaluating the market and our competitors to ensure we are staying competitive with our pricing. We also promote great schemes for you to earn money off your clean!